
作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡知識 > 咖啡小知識 > 2024-10-05 07:27:52

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  There’s a whole universe of equipment out there right now. It can be dizzying. And coffee is a complex process, with several important variables that can change the completion of what ends up in your cup.


  Here are five quick and easy steps to making yourself a better cup:


  1. Grind your own beans

  1. 自己研磨咖啡豆

  When buying beans, some baristas may ask, “Would you like these ground?” Resist the temptation. And when you’re at the local grocery store, ignore that large grinder in the coffee aisle. For a good cup, invest in a grinder. And for the best, make sure it’s a burr grinder.

  當你購買咖啡豆時,咖啡師會詢問你“是否需要已經研磨好的?" 抵住誘惑! 當你前往當地雜貨店時,無視掉走廊上放置的大研磨機。爲了一杯醇香的咖啡,投資買一臺磨豆器吧。而且最好買一臺盤式磨豆器。

  Basically, a burr grinder is in more of a conical shape and it ensures the beans are ground evenly (rather than grinders that have a blade that chops up the beans at random). Burr grinders can be expensive. But a hand grinder will only set you back about $35. And grinding by hand each day will build your muscles.


  2. Buy fresh beans

  2. 購買新鮮的咖啡豆

  There are a lot of variables in making a cup of coffee, and you can go wrong in any number of ways. But none are more important than the beans you buy. And acrucial factor is freshness. I’ve gotten more and more picky on this.


  You want beans several days after they’ve been roasted. And if it’s been more than a few weeks after they were roasted, forget about it. Some places are better than others at listing this (one pet peeve: some roasters will list an expiration date rather than the date they were roasted — or when the beans were freshest).


  3. Don’t store them in the freezer

  3. 別把咖啡豆放進冷藏室

  The idea that storing beans in the freezer is a way to preserve their freshness isone of the biggest misnomers about coffee. Put those beans in a freezer, and they will start to absorb the flavors of whatever else you’ve got stored in there. I don’t know about you, but I’m not eager to have my Sumatra mixed with flavors of chicken, ice cream, and frozen vegetables.


  4. Step away from the machine.

  Buy a French press. Or something.

  4. 別用機器,買個法壓壺或者其他什麼

  Machines are great, and they’re getting even better. They can ensure consistency,there’s little mess, and — crucially, for some — you can set a timer to wake up with a fresh cup. But at least for me, working with coffee manually has help edimmensely in understanding what makes a good cup.


  There’s experimentation. You have control over almost every step in the process.There are tons of ways — maybe too many ways — to make coffee. But the easiest way toget going is with a French press. They’re inexpensive and easy to use.


  5. Get a digital scale.

  5. 使用電子稱

  Yes,I realize this sounds extreme. The first time I saw someone using a scale tomake my cup of coffee — during a trip to Pavement in Boston a few years back —I thought it was completely over the top. Does brewing coffee really need to be that precise? Then I tasted the cup. And a few weeks later, I was online reading about digital scales and ordering one for my home.


  Most of us have regular coffee habits, so you learn how many scoops you want and how much water you need. But as I’ve gotten a little more discerning, I’ve found that the scale helps eliminate some of the room for error.




2017-07-20 12:20:24 責任編輯:未知




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