
作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡知識 > 咖啡粉 > 2024-10-05 01:16:38


  All you coffee fevers must’ve noticed, whenever you pour over the water into some coffee grounds, it bubbles up, swells and expands, with a “bloom” followed. The way it bubbles and expands are usually various.


  So where exactly do those bubbles come from? In fact, the reason it happens is because of carbon dioxide gas is brought into the beans while roasting. The skin of those bubbles is made of protein and saccharides (Same as Expresso’s).


  When you pour over the water, you would see some small bubbles, sometimes big ones, or other times, you don’t even see bubbles. That’s because the ways some beans leaching out CO2 are different.


  Some people think the bubble is the cause of coffee becoming rough, this is not completely true though. Because if you put some of those bubbles to a ready-to-drink coffee and stir it, you won’t find any different taste.


  Beans are just roasted contain large amount of CO2. If you grind it right away, numerous bubbles will come up. These bubbles will affect the brewing process, though it doesn’t necessarily mean the beans are not good.


  If this is the case, you will find the taste lighter than usual, even if you brewed with the same method as you always did. That's why some people always say, leave your fresh grounds for an overnight before using it.


  If you don’t see many bubbles or the grounds don’t quite expand while brewing, it means there isn’t much CO2 contained.


  Some says if the grounds don’t quite expand, the coffee is not fresh enough. That’s correct. As time passes after the roast, there will be less and less CO2 contained in the beans.


  Although there are also other cases that the grounds won’t expand so much. For instance, your coffee package is put in desoxidant that will absorb CO2, or your grind particles are too big and you pour over slowly, or the water is not hot enough.

2017-07-26 14:56:47 責任編輯:未知




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