哥倫比亞託利馬Tolima咖啡產區蒙特維莊園MonteVeder Estate 信息

作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 精品咖啡豆 > 哥倫比亞咖啡豆 > 2024-10-11 04:23:21

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  • MonteVeder Estate ——
    蒙特維莊園位處哥倫比亞託利馬(Tolima)省分南部,海拔高度坐落一千八到兩千一百米之間。其地理位置提供了莊園良好的日照時數和降雨時節,加上高海拔的特性,蒙特維莊園有能力植栽許多特殊品種豆子,例如Geisha、WushWush、SL-28和Borbon Sidra,而非多數莊園常見的Caturra或Castillo。蒙特維莊園之可以種植這類特殊、嬌貴的品種,除了上述種植上的優勢,還有鄰近水源的便利。蒙特維莊園附近有託利馬省內重要的河流──Rio Blanco(直譯爲白河),幾乎一年四季、不分幹雨季都河水潺潺,提供莊園豐沛的水源,維持生豆後製處理的穩定度,呈現Geisha和WushWush豐富、細緻的風味。
    Finca MonteVerde situates in southern Tolima, Colombia, where Caturra and Castillo are the most planted varieties, and boasts its specialties: Geisha and WushWush. Compared to Caturra and Castillo, it takes more efforts to cultivate Geisha and WushWush. Therefore, it is rare that Finca Monteverde chooses to plant the two uniquely-flavored and vulnerable varieties, which are planted between 1800 to 2100 meters above the sea level. The location of Finca Monteverde gives itself the advantages of luminosity and humanity that which benefit coffee trees. Also, with an abundant water source from Rio Blanco (White River), farmers stably produce green beans of high qualities and rich flavors.


2018-07-04 17:15:16 責任編輯:未知




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