意式咖啡常識 關於espresso出品標準的討論

作者:中國咖啡交易網 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡知識 > 2024-10-11 17:26:05

  關於 espresso 出品標準的討論 Question

  by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM

  Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee.

  I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 15 sec. Could you please explain me the exact time needed to prepare an espresso.

  Best regard and congratulation for this site!


  by Michele Pauletic, Jan. 17, 2012 12:19 AM

  (Michele Pauletic is an illycaffe Master Barista and a certified Speciality Coffee Association of Europe trainer. He travels throughout Europe and Asia, working with baris)

  Ciao Alketa,As you know, one of the basic rules for the preparation of an excellent cup of espresso is the extraction/percolation time. The correct amount of time is 25-30 second. So that the extraction time is truly effective, it must be balanced with the espresso coffee volume in the cup -- about 25/30ml. The diversified energy input in espresso pressure-brewing efficiently brings into the cup both soluble and insoluble substances. It has been experienced that the best mix is reached within 30 seconds; if the extraction is shorter than 15 seconds, a weak and exceedingly acidic, unbalanced, and under-extracted cup is obtained. Conversely, if extraction lasts longer than 30 seconds, over-extraction of substances with poor flavor will produce an ordinary, harsh-tasting cup. Please have a look at your clock next time your espresso will be extracted.

  沒上鎖的保險箱:For me, a perfect shot is not depending on the time of extraction. You can judge by the colour. However I think you've mentioned above are two different but similar coffee types. Espresso as you said is about "25-30"; the one is about "15", we call it RISTROTTO. Hope it helps. (3月24日 21:52)

  咖啡四合院:I think "25-30" zone isn't the standard of making a perfect cup. But with the exact weigh and consistency tamping pressure in each time, time should only be one of your measurement tool of making a consistency cup of coffee. (3月24日 19:42)

  咖啡賣客:IMO, the best time extraction time is 18-23 seconds! I don't think there are really a standard extraction time for coffee.. But normally the "Norm" is 25-30secs......and why are you posting in English.. i don't think many people will reply to English post. Proof me wrong.. LOL

2014-11-25 15:45:57 責任編輯:中國咖啡交易網




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