精品咖啡基礎常識 咖啡杯品(杯測)術語

作者:中國咖啡交易網 來源:手衝咖啡: 咖啡知識 > 2024-10-15 08:19:14

  咖啡杯品術語 杯品(杯測)咖啡時,我們要區分咖啡的風味、醇厚度、酸度和溼香氣是否宜人。多數杯品師採用以下的標準來評判咖啡。 While tasting the coffee, you should try to discern whether the flavor, body, acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasant, or unpleasant. Here are the criteria that most tasters use to judge coffee:

  酸度Acidity : 酸度是咖啡的必備特徵,是咖啡在舌下邊緣和後齶產生的乾的感覺。咖啡酸度的作用與紅酒的口感類似,具有強烈而令人興奮的質感。沒有足夠的酸度,咖啡就趨於平淡。酸度與酸味不同,酸味是令人不快的不好的口味特徵。 Acidity is a desirable characteristic in coffee. It is the sensation of dryness that the coffee produces under the edges of your tongue and on the back of your palate. The role acidity plays in coffee is not unlike its role as related to the flavor of wine. It provides a sharp, bright, vibrant quality. With out sufficient acidity, the coffee will tend to taste flat. Acidity should not be confused with sour, which is an unpleasant, negative flavor characteristic.

  溼香氣 Aroma 溼香氣很難與風味分開。如果沒有嗅覺,我們的基本味覺就只是:甜、酸、咸和苦。溼香氣豐富了軟齶對風味的辨別。一些微妙、細膩的差別,比如“花香”或“酒香”的特性,就來自於煮泡咖啡的溼香氣。 Aroma is a sensation which is difficult to separate from flavor. Without our sense of smell, our only taste sensations would be: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The aroma contributes to the flavors we discern on our palates. Subtle nuances, such as "floral" or "winy" characteristics, are derived from the aroma of the brewed coffee.

  醇厚度 Body : 醇厚度是咖啡在口中的感覺,即咖啡作用於舌頭產生的粘性、厚重和豐富度的感覺。喝全脂牛奶與喝水的感覺不同,就是一個很好的例證。我們對咖啡的醇厚度的感覺與咖啡萃取的的油質和固形物有關。比較典型的事,印尼咖啡比南美洲、中美洲咖啡的醇厚度要高。如果你無法確定幾種咖啡的醇厚度差異,可以試着將咖啡加入等量的牛奶。醇厚度高的咖啡用牛奶稀釋後會保留更多的風味。 Body is the feeling that the coffee has in your mouth. It is the viscosity, heaviness, thickness, or richness that is perceived on the tongue. A good example of body would be that of the feeling of whole milk in your mouth, as compared to water. Your perception of the body of a coffee is related to the oils and solids extracted during brewing. Typically, Indonesian coffees will possess greater body than South and Central American coffees. If you are unsure of the level of body when comparing several coffees, try adding an equal amount of milk to each. Coffees with a heavier body will maintain more of their flavor when diluted.

  風味Flavor: 風味是咖啡在口中的總體感覺。酸度、溼香氣和醇厚度都是風味的組成部分,正是它們的平衡和均質才產生了我們的風味總體感。下面是一些典型的風味特徵: Flavor is the overall perception of the coffee in your mouth. Acidity, aroma, and body are all components of flavor. It is the balance and homogenization of these senses that create your overall perception of flavor. The following are typical flavor characteristics:

  一般風味特徵General flavor characteristics: 豐富——指醇厚度和濃郁程度


  平衡——所有基本口感特徵都令人滿意,沒有一種口感掩蓋另一種口感。 Richness—refers to body and fullness

  Complexity— the perception of multiple flavors

  Balance— the satisfying presence of all the basic taste characteristics where no one over-powers another

  令人喜歡的風味特徵: 清新明亮的、乾的、輕快的或者活潑的——(中美洲咖啡常見)




  土味的——泥土的芳香特質(典型的蘇門答臘咖啡) 芬芳的——一種芳香的特質,範圍從花香味的到多香料的

  果味的——一種芳香的特質,讓人聯想到漿果或橙子 甘美芳醇的——口感圓潤、順滑,缺乏酸度

  有堅果味的——類似炒堅果的回味 香料味的——讓人想起各種香料的風味和芳香

  甜味的——無澀口的 野生的——一種野生的風味,一般不被認爲是宜人的;常見於埃塞俄比亞咖啡 酒香味的——一種讓人聯想到充分熟釀的葡萄酒的回味(常見於肯尼亞和也門咖啡)

  Typical specific desirable flavor characteristics Bright, Dry, Sharp, or Snappy— (typical of Central American coffees)

  Caramelly —candy like or syrupy

  Chocolaty— an aftertaste similar to unsweetened chocolate or vanilla

  Delicate— a subtle flavor perceived on the tip of the tongue (typical of washed New Guinea arabica)

  Earthy— a soily characteristic (typical of Sumatran coffees)

  Fragrant— an aromatic characteristic ranging from floral to spicy

  Fruity— an aromatic characteristic reminiscent of berries or citrus

  Mellow— a round, smooth taste, typically lacking acid

  Nutty— an aftertaste similar to roasted nuts

  Spicy— a flavor and aroma reminiscent of spices

  Sweet— free of harshness

  Wildness— a gamey flavor which is not usually considered favorable but is typical of Ethiopian coffees

  Winy— an aftertaste reminiscent of well-matured wine (typical of Kenyan and Yemeni coffees)


  乏味、無刺激性的——風味中性 炭味的——帶有燒焦了的碳味


  有雜味的——有黴味的,讓人想到喫土的味道 土味的——同“有雜味的” 平淡的——無酸味,缺乏溼香和回味


  粗糙的——一種苛性的、被抓似的、粗糙的特質 渾濁的——粘稠而味道不濃的

  僵硬的——澱粉似質感的,類似煮過意大利麪食的水 粗硬的——舌頭上的感覺,類似喫鹽


  軟性的——同“乏味、無刺激性的” 酸味的——類似未熟的水果的酸澀味

  稀薄的——無酸度的,一般因萃取不足所致 松節油味的——味道象松節油的

  清水般的——在口中缺乏醇厚度、沒有粘性 粗野的——野生的特質

  Typical specific undesirable flavor characteristics:Bitter— perceived on the back of the tongue, usually a result of over roasting

  Bland— neutral in flavor Carbony— burnt charcoaly overtones

  Dead— see "flat"

  Dirty— a mustiness reminiscent of eating dirt

  Earthy— see "dirty" Flat— lack of acidity, aroma, and aftertaste

  Grassy— an aroma and flavor reminiscent of freshly cut lawn Harsh— a caustic, clawing, raspy characteristic

  Muddy— thick and dull Rioy— a starchy texture similar to water which pasta has been cooked in. Rough— a sensation on the tongue reminiscent of eating salt Rubbery— an aroma and flavor reminiscent of burnt rubber (typically found only in dry-processed robustas) Soft— see "bland"

  Sour— tart flavors reminiscent of unripe fruit

  Thin— lacking acidity, typically a result of under brewing Turpeny— turpentine-like in flavor

  Watery— a lack of body or viscosity in the mouth Wild— gamey characteristics

2014-12-26 14:33:01 責任編輯:中國咖啡交易網




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